
Was Lee Harvey Oswald REALLY Guilty ?

An Examination of the Evidence in the Case Against Oswald

By Gil Jesus

Oswald mug shot

Since November 22, 1963, the public has been confused and purposely misled by a systematic and continuous barrage of disinformation relating to the assassination of President Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald.

The deception and lies began with the Dallas Police, who arrested the wrong man. The FBI, the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations continued to coverup that error. The deception has been continuously promoted, thanks to the mainstream media, with an endless stream of Lee Harvey Oswald did-it books, made-for-TV documentaries and now personal blogs.

In spite of this brainwashing, much of the public believes that the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy and few believe that there was a lone shooter. Many of these people have been hoping for a “smoking gun” to emerge in the government files that would solve the JFK mystery once and for all.

Regretably, while there is no “smoking gun” in those files to tell us who DID assassinate the President, there is a “smoking gun” that tells us who DIDN’T.

This “smoking gun” has been right before our eyes for many years. It consists of how the authorities handled Oswald, the evidence and the witnesses.

The tactics used by the Dallas Police and the FBI in this investigation were not consistent with a normal criminal homicide investigation and is prima facie proof that they had arrested the wrong man for the President’s assassination and the murder of Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit.

A false arrest

Serious questions remain after all these years. If Oswald were guilty as charged, why did the Dallas Police continue questioning him after he’d “lawyered up” ? He was not afforded a phone call until 1:30 pm on Saturday, when no lawyer would be in his office. His family was not allowed to see him until Saturday. He was placed in lineups with men who neither resembled him nor the descriptions of witnesses. Why ?

Police discouraged members of the ACLU from talking with Oswald. Why ? They arraigned Oswald for the assassination without any evidence against him. Why ? After repeated threats against his life, the Dallas Police took no steps for Oswald’s safety and instead led him into an ambush in the basement of police headquarters. Why ?

In other words, if Oswald was guilty, why didn’t the Dallas Police, “play it by the book” ?

A dead man from the time of his arrest

There can only be one answer to these questions: from the time of his arrest in the Texas Theater, Oswald was a dead man. One witness in the Texas Theater heard police say, “kill the President will you ? “ His guilt had been determined. They didn’t have to have evidence, they didn’t have to honor his Constitutional rights. He didn’t need a lawyer. Oswald was never going to make it to the County jail and this case was never going make it to trial.

The prosecutory system in Dallas was corrupt from the get-go. In 2006, it was learned that the police and the DA’s office were responsible for 19 convictions of innocent suspects, all of which were overturned on DNA evidence. During one trial, DA Wade withheld evidence from the Defense that proved the defendant was innocent. In another case, he sent an innocent man to the electric chair.

One interest: Conviction rates

This corrupt system had only one goal and one interest: conviction rates. The conviction rate is defined as the number of convictions divided by the number of criminal cases brought. ( arrests )

John Stickels, a University of Texas at Arlington criminology professor and a director of the Innocence Project of Texas, blames a culture of “win at all costs.”

When someone was arrested, it was assumed they were guilty,” he said. “I think prosecutors and investigators basically ignored all evidence to the contrary and decided they were going to convict these guys.”

In order to achieve these convictions of innocent suspects, it required those within this corrupt “justice” system to tamper witrh evidence, threaten witnesses and lie under oath.

This was the system under which Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and accused of being a double murderer.

Once he was arrested and identified as a suspect, there were plenty of people in the Dallas area willing to kill Oswald. All the police had to do is to remove his protection and let it happen. The world would never know how he was railroaded for two killings he did not commit. Until now.

The FBI covers up Oswald’s innocence

This smoking gun will clearly show that the FBI deliberately manipulated crucial pieces of evidence and failed to conduct a thorough investigation. It will show how FBI ignored some witnesses and  altered the statements of others. It will show the extent to which the Dallas Police went to frame an innocent man and how the FBI and Warren Commission covered it up.

In the end you will see why Ruby killed Oswald: to prevent him from going to trial and exposing this fake evidence. It will show how the Warren Commission used reports, testimony and documentation acquired by the FBI in a blatant and deliberate attempt to deceive the world and “prove” that Oswald purchased and used the rifle to murder President Kennedy. And you will ask yourself: if Oswald was as guilty as charged, why would they do this ? 

The Warren Commission rubber-stamps the coverup:

The Warren Commission was formed by President Johnson on November 29, 1963 to stave off calls for a Congressional investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It did not hear a witness until February 3, 1964, some 66 days after its formation. The Commission took testimony from a total of 552 witnesses, but at no time were all of the Commissioners present for the testimony of any single witness.

At least one Commissioner was present at the questioning of 93 witnesses ( 16.8 % ) , with the other 459 witnesses being deposed by Commission Counsel in various parts of the country. No single member of the Commission ever heard testimony from more than 13 % of the witnessesThe importance of being present during the witnesses’ testimony is that it allowed the Commissioners to question the witnesses on their own.

Can you imagine a murder case where no member of the jury hears more than 13% of the testimony ? ” It is a fact that in an ordinary case involving a chicken theft, ALL of the jury is required to hear ALL of the testimony before delivering a verdict”.    ( Gary Shaw, Coverup, pg. 2 ) It boggles the imagination.

Hearing from witnesses who had no evidence

There were a total of 109,930 questions asked. Of those, only 37,097 were asked by the Commissioners themselves. The remaining were asked by staff lawyers.

57,224 questions, or 52.05 % of the total questions asked, were asked of people with no direct knowledge of the crime. This included Ruth Paine, Curtis LaVerne Crafard, George Senator, Marina Oswald, Robert Oswald, John Edward Pic, Andrew Armstrong and George DeMohrenschildt. Witnesses Robert Oswald and John Pic, Oswald’s brother and half-brother, had not seen Lee Harvey in the year before the assassination. Yet they were called to give testimony. 

The Commission asked 104 questions of Secretary of State Dean Rusk and diplomat Llewellyn Thompson, neither of whom had any knowledge regarding the shooting at General Walker or killings of Kennedy, Tippit or Oswald. But they only asked autopsy doctor Boswell 14 questions. The Commission asked more questions of Mrs. Mahlon Tobias’ husband, about where the Oswald’s lived ( 229 ), than they did of the chief autopsy pathologist, Dr. Humes ( 215 ).

The Commission asked more questions of the emcee at Ruby’s strip joint, William D. Crowe, Jr. ( 342 ), than they did of the JFK autopsy doctors TOTAL . ( 304 ) The Commission asked 70 questions of Mrs. Anne Boudreaux, who knew a woman who babysat Lee Harvey Oswald when he was 2 1/2 years old. Why was she even on the witness list ?

Ignoring key witnesses who had evidence

Not only did the Commission waste its time taking testimony from people who had no evidence, it ignored important witnesses who HAD evidence to present. For example, the President’s personal physician, Admiral George Burkley, the only medical professional who was with the body BOTH in Trauma Room 1 at Parkland Hospital AND the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital, was never called to give testimony. Why not ?

Only 2,065 questions of the 109,930 dealt with valuable data with regard to the killing of the President. This amounts to only 1.87 % of the Warren Commission’s “work”.

Oswald’s guilt a foregone conclusion

In a January 11, 1964 memo, “For the Members of the Commission”, Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin outlined the areas of the Commission’s “work”. In this memo, he used the phrases, Lee Harvey Oswald as the Assassin of President Kennedy”, Evidence Demonstrating Oswald’s Guilt”, “Evidence Identifying Oswald as the Assassin of President Kennedy”, the “Permissable Inferences of Oswald’s Murder of Tippit“, “Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives” and “Lee H. Oswald as the Assassin”.

Keep in mind that this memo naming Oswald as the President’s lone assassin, was written almost one month BEFORE the Commission heard its first witness or saw its first piece of evidence.

And in this link you can see that it deemed the curtain rod story a “fake” before it had even heard from the witnesses. ( red arrow ) Strange behavior for a Commission that was ( according to its supporters ) honest and truthful.

This was NOT a criminal investgation. This was a collection of evidence against one suspect who had been deemed guilty by his accusers. If this were a court case, you could say that the verdict was in before the trial had even begun.

And there’d be no defense.

About this site

On this website, I will present that DEFENSE for Oswald. I will act as the lawyer he SHOULD have had at his trial. I will take the Warren Commission’s case apart piece by piece and present evidence that will cast more than a reasonable doubt on whether or not their case against him was valid.

Perhaps the greatest injustice of all is that because of that shoddy investigation, history and the Mainstream Media will always misidentify Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy, instead of the accused assassin. On this site, YOU, the reader will see and hear the other side of the story and will decide for yourself whether or not he was REALLY guilty. 

For My Friends and Visitors

As I add new pages , I will add a “NEW” insignia to the pictures below on the main page. I’ll leave the insignia up for a week. That way, when you visit this page, you will be able to tell if there is anything new within the last week. I hope it makes your visit easier. —–Sincerely, Gil Jesus

“Nut Country”

A look at the political atmosphere in Dallas leading up to the assassination

Did Oswald REALLY


Pres. Kennedy ?

Did Oswald REALLY

murder Dallas

police officer

J.D. Tippit ?

Did Oswald REALLY

shoot at General

Edwin A. Walker ?

If Oswald was


A list of truths that should have been if the case was real

Why I Believe the

Government’s Case

Against Oswald is


Was the handling of the case by authorities proof of Oswald’s innocence ?

Video: Evidence of


Frontal Shot

Both the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that the fatal shot to the President came from the rear. But did it ?

The Framing and

Murder of Lee

Harvey Oswald

How authorities framed an innocent man for crimes he did not commit and then made sure he’d never make it to trial

My Video Page

The full Dallas Motorcade, Zapruder, the witnesses, My Youtube Channels and more

My Audio Page

Oswald’s New Orleans radio interviews  plus links to the world’s best JFK-related internet podcasts

The Gil Jesus


A collection of my recent
and past Forum writings

Useful Links

Links to all the relative primary source archives, forums and websites


Reaction from around the world to my research

In Memoriam:

Thomas J. Rossley


Thomas Joseph Rossley, of South Windsor CT, passed away at Manchester Hospital on December 28, 2018 surrounded by family. He was 84.

Tom was a serious student of the Kennedy Assassination and was a guest speaker on local and national radio shows as well as public forums at various educational venues. He also hosted a web site and an internet chat room.

To me, he was a great friend and a mentor and he will be sorely missed. His website is still up and has a ton of information on it