Original videos compiled by Gil. Scroll down to see new additions.
The Great
“Thorburn” Hoax
Destroying the theory that JFK’s reaction to the throat wound was “Thorburn’s Position”
One Rifle or Two ?
A comparison of the sling mounts on the Depository rifle and the rifle in the Backyard Photographs
Proof the FBI Lied in
Their Reports
Three examples of how witness statements were altered by the FBI
Concealed Carry
The absurdity of Oswald carrying the rifle
Destroying the
“Jet Effect”
Warning: graphic depictions of head shots. May not be suitable for all audiences
Was JFK Trying to
Cough up a Bullet ?
Kennedy’s reaction in Z Frames 225-237 indicate he was in respiratory distress
How the Mainstream
Media Lies
Critiquing the 2003 BBC/ABC production of “JFK: Beyond Conspiracy”
An easy shot ?
Were they REALLY that easy ?
The Witnesses
Witnesses ignored by the Warren Commission
Proof the CE 139
Rifle was NOT the
murder weapon
The video version of my essay on “The Rifle Tests” ( 31 mins. )
Reserved for future
Coming Soon
Reserved for future
Coming Soon