Click on a button to review the assassination evidence. Newer pages are at the bottom.
The CE 139 Rifle
Was it REALLY Oswald’s ?
The Paper Gunsack
Was it made by Oswald or someone else ?
The Rifle Shells
Whose gun were they in prior ?
In the Lunchroom
Did it REALLY happen the way they said it did ?
On the 1st Floor
Evidence Oswald was on the first floor before, during and after the shots were fired.
Oswald’s “Escape”
Did Oswald REALLY take a bus and a taxi ?
Oswald’s Shirt
Was he wearing this during the assassination ?
The Rifle Tests
How accurate was the CE 139 rifle and scope ?
Wound of Entry
The ordeal of Parkland Dr. Malcolm Perry
Head Games
The deceptive and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy’s head wound
The Back Wound
Evidence of Deception regarding President Kennedy’s back wound
The Man Who Saw
Oswald in the
A look at assassination witness Howard Brennan
The “Sniper’s Nest”
Was Oswald’s prints on the cartons proof he fired a rifle ?
The REAL Reason
Oswald Went to
Irving on 11-21-63
And it WASN’T for a rifle
A Different Look at
the “Backyard
Evidence of fakery ?
That Nasty Palmprint
Did the Dallas Police REALLY find a palmprint on the rifle ?
The Fiber Evidence
What does the fiber evidence REALLY tell us ?
Oswald and the Order Forms
Did Oswald REALLY order those weapons ?
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