What do people say about my work ?
Witness videos “priceless”
“Some like to be called researchers, investigators, experts, historians on the subject of the JFK Assassination etc. etc…..whatever Gil Jesus calls himself I find that his offerings are priceless. Specifically his videos of witnesses. Videos provide us with the attributes to determine veracity through body language, verbal emphasis and demeanor. ”
( the late Tom Rossley, www.whokilledjfk.net )
“High Quality Material”
“Gil’s research is like a breath of fresh air… instead of chasing doppelgangers and fake witnesses down a succession of blind alleys, he sticks to the facts. For me reading his work has been something of a mini epiphany. I’d got so jaded and cynical from an endless diet of bullshit research…., I’d forgotten it was possible for researchers to consistently produce high quality material… unencumbered by ego and ideological considerations…. the overall standard of your work is highly impressive.”
( Alex Wilson, ROKC forum, https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/f1-jfk )
“Well Regarded”
“The JFK Assassination Board has created a Board for the writings of Gil Jesus. Gil spent many years researching and writing about the JFK assassination. He was well regarded by many on the conspiracy side, but ruthlessly attacked by those that defended the official narrative on John McAdams’ ACJ Board. Despite the constant ridicule and sick personal attacks he continued to enlighten people about the evidence in this case. We are happy and proud to present his work on this Board.”
( John Duncan, Administrator, JFK Assassination Board https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/)
“Outstanding Work”
“You are doing outstanding work. I enjoy your analysis of the evidence…..( I ) enjoy good “research “ and analysis of “evidence and primary source documents”. I am a retired police detective ( about 38 years worth ) so it is pleasant to find good analysis of the JFK case instead of wild speculation and arguments over minutia that doesn’t advance the case. I saw your YouTube videos years ago it was good to discover you are “back”.
( email from Dave S., retired police detective )
“Well documented essay”
“An extremely thorough, thought provoking and important summary. After reading this well documented essay, how can anyone rationally conclude anything but your finding that Oswald was totally railroaded by the DPD.”
( Joe Bauer, Education Forum on the essay, “The Framing and Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald“ )
“Definitely credible”
“Each morning and afternoon, I read virtually everything on the educational forum. I am not a member, in part, because they are not accepting new members. But I follow the forum closely and I gauge who is credible and who is not. I have followed your work for years and you are definitely credible and successful in avoiding the politics prevalent on the site.
I just wanted to do a shout out to you and congratulate you on writing a very thorough article. Your former police work provided you good background for your assessments.”
( email from Jim P., Education Forum reader, on the essay. “The Framing and Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald” )
“One of the Best and Most Interesting JFK Assassination Researchers”
“Gil Jesus’ claim to fame is he is one of the best and most interesting JFK assassination researchers.” ( email from Robert Morrow, Austin, TX )
“Exemplary research”
“The entire research community appreciates your well thought out exemplary research standards. I’m encouraged that someone of your research caliber is on the right side of Truth, Justice and Light in this matter of exposing a hastily contrived script manufactured to frame an innocent party. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody. Best wishes w/your continued due-diligence and exemplary research sir.” ( researcher Alan Ford on the Deep Politics Forum )