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To view my posts from 2003-2021, go to the JFK Assassination Board.
The Limo Agents
Did the descriptions of their actions during their testimonies match their actions in the Zapruder film ?
Was CE 399 Fired
from the Depository
Rifle ?
Did it match the bullets fired from the Depository rifle by the HSCA in 1978 ?
The Case FOR a Mauser
Was a second rifle found in the TSBD ?
Was the Sound of the Shots Proof of a Second Gunman ?
The Curtain Rod
How many curtain rod sets did the Dallas Police dust for fingerprints ?
“No Evidence”
A list of items for which there is no evidence and no beginning to their chain of custody.
Perverting the Truth
Evidence of witness harrassment and tampering
Reserved for Future Postings
Reserved for Future Postings